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The First Families of Wydmoor are the ruling nobility of the New Wydmoor region, and the Mead are chief among them. ------ currently sits in Wydmoor Castle as the ruler of Wydmoor. The Mead were formerly a minor vassal family of old Riddermark family, known primarily for producing peat and men-at-arms. Astlen Mead, the scion of the family after her father's death during the Odessan Siege, remained in the region after the city was sacked in the run-up to Collar's Crusade. In alliance with the newly formed Azure Geese, the self-styled "Dutchess of Wydmoor" spearheaded reconstruction efforts and leaded the city's forces during the subsequent Wydmoor-Ubrekti War, during which time the Mead family solidified itself as the primary military and police force in the region.

The TREATY OF ????? that ended the Wydmoor-Ubrekti War formally acknowledged the Mead family as the legitimate Ducal authority of an expanded Dutchy of Wydmoor. The Mead family are known to be capable administrators, expert in both the creation of and execution of laws. While the Mead family has seen some success expanding their reach and influence into the various successor kingdoms, they are largely despised by the old nobility of Ubrekt and Flannary and so have little to no influence is the Southwestern mainland.