Category:Bounty Hunters: The Missing Book

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The remaining books are no longer the concern of the Category:Bounty Hunters, who have shifted their efforts to discovering more information about Category:Bounty Hunters:The Blood Cult and their Lady.

Probable timeline:

  • Eurasmus approached by Blood Cult lackeys who offer to help him with significant debts. They furnish him with a couple of high-level scrolls and he does the deed
  • Actively pursued by his creditors, he gets cold feet and skips town after stealing a wand of hide from undead and a porridge spoon (the latter from a well-known servant of the poor, for shame)
  • He heads to Turstram, selling off books on the way.
    • One of them, he gives to an old mentor and father figure (and probably actual father).
    • Another goes to a bookseller in Turstram. This bookseller is killed by lackeys of Wan Wu (and possibly Wan Wu himself, but this is not confirmed), presumably after being discovered with a locate item spell while checking on his newfound goods.
    • Another to a traveling bookseller on the road near Middrom, whose status is unknown.
    • Another he parleys to a bounty hunter on his tail in exchange for letting him keep the wand the bounty hunter was contracted to find. This bounty hunter is personally killed by Wan Wu.
  • He goes to an abandoned town northwest that is full of undead, using them as a shield.
  • The party follows, runs into (and then away from) Wan Wu in the form of the Halfling, finds the body, finds the town, finds Eurasmus, then heads back with him in tow.
  • They stop by the aforementioned bookseller on the way, but are too late, and are chased off by scary basilisk-containing room after getting worn down by a bunch of cultists and a water weird.
  • They drop Eurasmus off, report their status, and deal with the consequences.

Still relevant after acquisition of Eurasmus

      • Cultists for the Lady (secular power grab, components to a dark ritual, coded messages with the key to prophecy, etc)
        • It seems most likely that these were the original people to approach Eurasmus, and that they know to pursue him after he broke off his part of the deal (due to Thieves' Guild involvement)
      • Families looking to make a move on the Meade Family?
  • What is the "Pink Rose" book(??? maybe not book) from Cultists' note
  • "The Lady" from the Cultists/Alexandrian Resurrectionists
    • Her organization wish to pave the way for Alexandria's second coming (which they feel is inevitable)

Former leads (noted for posterity)

  • Eurasmus' apartment & Bolero
  • Urice
  • Professors Graggar and Eadrin
  • The gambling debts
  • The book of fables
  • Frank the Bandit and the sewer quip
  • Eurasmus has family in Turstram
    • Rivias, his frenemy
  • Scene of the crime (need access via the Othel. clan)
  • Who might want to buy/steal the books?
    • Formerly prominent families of Wydmoor
      • Khiozi Family
      • Jedrol Family
      • Silver Family
    • Someone looking to find local treasure or info

Notes from the Chancellor's investigation

  • No signs of climbing outside the room
  • No magical residue
  • No evidence the room was unlocked
  • Suspect use of gaseous form or similar to enter through the window


  • Some people with various connections are pulled together to track down a thief and his stolen goods (Whip, Therunin, Bern, Elian, Joana), at the Dragonfly Inn
  • They are met by one Lyannia Othelio, who outlines the contract. The primary lead is an alchemy student that has gone missing named Eurasmus Draddrin. No other evidence ties the suspect to the crime.
    • Party requests access to the scene of the burglary. Lyannia cannot agree immediately, must check in with Chancellors. Party is encouraged to gather information in the meantime.
  • The first night is some preliminary investigation:
    • An alchemy student's whereabouts are unknown, so he seems a likely lead. Joana and Whip track down his living place.
    • The rest investigate the exterior scene of the crime.
      • The University Library is fully locked from within, with no windows on the first story and all windows on the second story bolted from within.


  • Lyannia Othelio - Member of one of the leading houses who is very interested in getting this book back
  • Whip, Therunin, Bern, Elian, Joana - People who are either bounty hunters on the regular, or have some other connection to this job and wanted to make some quick cash. Therunin, in particular, has a tight connection with the Circus Librorum
  • Eurasmus Draddrin - Prime Suspect #1, but only because he is missing. He would have no access and thus needed help.
    • Has two main professors, Graggar the Grey and Eadrin Syrill
    • Beyond his presence at the gaming tables of the Cock'n Bottle, little is known of his friends, relations, and personal life.
    • In debt to a criminal organization, one of whom's collectors was killed trying to collect
    • Has family in Turstram
    • Eurasmus is described as a human of medium height and build, with curly brown hair and green eyes. He has a small nose and a large chin.
  • Bacon - Inkeeper of the Dragonfly Inn
  • Bolero, A Bardic College student in 3D - helped us find Eurasmus' room and told us of The Girl. Last saw Eurasmus "maybe a week" ago.
  • Urice, Hakani human, Eurasmus' girlfriend. Callused hands, probably a local, peasant. Brown hair. Short. Bolero: "Recognized her from the library," probably a student but not a Bard. "Young, pretty enough." Probably not Bardic college. 5'3.
    • "Well, my folks were freeholder in the South. Great Grandpay Ved got the place back in the Restoration."
    • Orphaned 'couple of' years ago. Sold estate, moved to city. "I didn't really take to the academic life, though. Didn't really figure that out till I'd spent most of that money, but the folks at the library were kind enough to hire me."
    • working as clerk for 6 months.
    • very upset that Eurasmus just left, so she pretended she didn't know him because she was "embarrassed and sad."
    • Eurasmus was a consummate gambler and likeliest cause of trouble for him, which we knew.
    • Last saw him 3 nights ago, at his flat [as of Session 2/Day 2]. Thought he had gone back home as he had been acting strange.
    • 'Close friends' are gamblers. "The folks down at Gokar certainly know about him, but he had trouble making friends."
    • Met him because he was lost, confused in the stacks, but began pumping her for info about the nonpublic floors and runners system. "I don't really know the particulars of the systems, but sometimes we'd just sit there and he'd have me read to him all kinds of books from the stacks."
      • "It probably sound stupid, just sitting around talking about floor plans and books and things, but he was so passionate about it and it's nice to have someone be interested in your work"
    • Mediocre alchemist.
    • He likes fables w/ talking animals.
    • Tells us where she lives so we can find her again if need be.
  • Dresdal, a librarian known to Therunin. Old, first-gen half-elf.
  • Graggar the Grey, alchemist prof 1. Tall grey half-orc. Bald/shaved, thin, longbeard. Cranky.
    • "He'd been looking even rougher than usual last week, I just assumed he was letting night life get the better of him"
  • Eadrin Syrill, alchemist prof 2. Nondescript human.
    • As of Session 2/DAy 2, has missed 2 days of lectures (today's, yesterday's).
  • Frank, part of a local crime syndicate. Lead a group of thugs to attack us.
  • Crimmins, a "finance agent" for the local crime based syndicate. Crimmins was beaten to death with bare hands. The syndicate believes he was killed by Eurasmus.
    • Crimmins was a low level money lender well known among students and the Cock-N-Bottle crowd. He was recently killed in a back alley by blunt force trauma. He was not a particularly fearsome or imposing man, but had powerful connections.
  • Cultists
    • Mostly foreigners
    • Some in Turstram
      • Human, northerner by the sound. Wore all white, and had some friends who also wore all white. Taciturn fells, real serious like.
      • chartered a boat down river and carried their stuff in a big pine box
      • One of these stayed in Turstram and bought a house, and at some point accumulated two compatriots. These three died in that house.
    • They are part of a blood cult who predicts the return of Alexandria to cleanse the Mainland of impure religion.
    • They are definitely pursuing Eurasmus (for the books he stole), and have contacts in Wydmoor.
    • Rivia, part of a more well-to-do Turstram family and formerly good friend of Eurasmus (emphasis on formerly).


The university district is located between the marked, the civic center, the poor part of town, and the industrial area. Ah, variety is the spice of life.
  • Dragonfly Inn - Meeting place of the bounty hunters
  • Cock 'n' Bottle - Student slum hangout
  • Eurasmus' Hovel, 3rd floor room. Missing shoes, alchemical kit, money, valuables. His mother is religious and his copy of the Canon of Orthodoxy reads "Eurasmus - Don't spend so much time studying that you forget the only book that matters! --Mom"
  • The Library, scene of the crime. Where Dresdal the Librarian works.
The Restricted Section, highlighted.
  • The Mausoleum, in a grove behind the library. Enchanted to best dust-free. All sets of pritns leading into and out of the mausoleum matched -- so if anyone teleported in, they also teleported out.
  • The Silver Swan, professorial tavern with great bard performances.
  • Turstram, village
    • Eurasmus' aunt
    • Alexandrian Blood Cultists
    • Murph
    • Rivia
  • Yalmrith, an abandoned trade town that was formerly a connector to Iros Forge


  • Some missing books
    • RECOLLECTIONS OF GOKAR THE WILD, Vol 1-2; A two volume cookbook set with a comprehensive alchemical appendix and brief historical forward.
    • RECORD OF THE NOTARIES OF WYDMOOR, 1400; Catalogue of new and renewed notaries for the year 1400 -1401 FI.
    • THE BLACK SWAN; Notes and papers; A folio of the collected notes and documents related to the refounding and recharter of Wydmoor.
    • ATLAS OF WYDMOOR; A book of maps and sketches of the pre-fire city of Wydmoor.
    • SPELLBOOK; Book of low level magics by unknown apprentice "E.K."
    • HISTORY OF THE SIDHE EMPIRE; History of the pre-alexandrian Sidhe naval empire, written by unknown sage.
    • Possibly, (the?) PINK ROSE; mentioned cryptically in a note held by the Blood Cultists, but not mentioned by Othellia et al
  • Eurasmus' belongings
    • A book of fables
    • A Canon of Orthodoxy.
    • Erotic letters from Urice [given back to Urice]
    • His notes and journals
  • Murph's Mysterious Missive
    • A crude, locked box protecting a sturdy, leaden pewter box cinched with a belt. Delivered to Murphy with a note: "DO NOT OPEN!"
  • Letter from a Lady
    • Held by cultists in Turstram, detailing Eurasmus's appearance and a list referencing the missing books, with one entry not mentioned by Othellia ("Pink Rose")