The Seafolk

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The Seafolk is the broad name for multiple aquatic races of both Fey and elemental origin encountered in and adjacent to the Feywild and are the subject of a large body of folklore, particularly in coastal areas or regions with large bodies of water. In folklore these "breeds" have many names and subgroups such as the Nixie, Nereids, Tritons, Mermaids, Sirine among others.

The Half Elf Castaway of Saltmarsh claims to have been found by these beings as a child and raised to adulthood among them.

In addition,the mysterious and ancient Standing Stones located on a small island off the coast of the Alexian Fishing town of Saltmarsh is also seemingly the site where an ancient binding ritual and sacrifice were performed on one of these beings, trapping their spirit in the two standing stones.

As a result of this ritual the "Sirine's song" emanates from the stones and can not only serve as a potential entrance to the mysterious Feywild but also apparently is a possible reason for why the waters near and around Saltmarsh are teeming with fish.