Sedish Lurorontak

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Sedish Lurorontak

Character Stats
Level Dwarf
Race 4
Class Stars Druid/Asteroid Warlock
Armor hide armor
Weapon(s) club and shield
Hometown Far South Ulan


Strange and wild-eyed Dwarf. Probably has sticks or leaves in their hair.


A druid with strange powers and an odd demeanor. Despite a frequently traumatic and solitary life Sedish has proven extremely resilient and is generally open and kind to others though clearly somewhat uncomfortable in crowds.

Early Life

Born in 1460 into the Lurorontak (translated from "Crueltyarm") clan Sedish's family was part of the failed Dwarven outpost of Rakustzulban. Sedish's parents were killed along with nearly all other inhabitants of the fortress following a series of calamities while Sedish was only 20, still an early adolescent for a Dwarf. Sedish and 3 other Dwarven minors (not miners) escaped but within only a few weeks the other 3 had either died of injuries sustained in fleeing their home or in the dangers of the wild, leaving Sedish completely alone and with almost no supplies. Sedish would likely have met a similar fate as the others and was near starvation and already going more than a bit mad when one night while staring at a meteor shower the night sky the stars, asteroids, and Southern Lights began to talk back. Not in words as such or clear pictures and in a way that faded from memory as quickly and completely as a forgotten dream, but following the visions a power and awareness awoke in Sedish which manifested in magical abilities.

Life was still difficult and dangerous and Sedish's abilities at first were enough to allow day to day survival, but in a short time grew in power enough to allow a degree of peace and tranquility. After of years of wandering or fleeing from danger Sedish found shelter in a densely wooded and relatively safe valley. At least a few years of solitude in that valley went by before Sedish again came into contact with any intelligent creature. The years alone did lead Sedish to began to understand the plants and animals and the patterns of the natural world enough to never truly be alone. Eventually Sedish was contacted by a druid and after months of indecision and bargaining met with a small circle. Sedish continued a mostly solitary existence but over the next few years remained in contact and met with other druids on several occasions traveling weeks to larger gatherings or to trade with a passing Halfling caravan traveling with a Green Hand druid. The astrologer druids of the Halflings were always especially interested in Sedish's abilities and visions though their charts and tables and long explanations of celestial movements frequently went over Sedish's head.

Current Life

A few years ago Sedish had a series of especially intense visions of massive destruction "soon" but is not clear if that's soon in dwarven terms or soon in astrological terms. Afterwards there were rarely any visions and they were of the earlier quickly-forgotten kind. Sedish began leaving the valley more frequently and eventually decided to leave it entirely, leaving it the same way they found it: by wandering whichever way the shooting stars indicated. This has consistently led to increasingly populated areas and Sedish has become at least slightly more civilized as result and learned quickly not to start introductions with Chicken Little/Henny Penny-style ranting about impending doom.


Sedish chooses a path mostly on intuition and hunch. Parties of great destiny or fate would be more attractive but even low-stakes adventures could feel like the correct path to follow for a while. Traveling and wilderness parties would be preferred and Sedish would be unhappy having to spend long periods in cities.

SPOILER Sedish's Character Sheet SPOILER