Kellen Scheppen

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Overview You are a true neutral hakani gnome clan crafter adventuring as a rogue.

You became a rogue because you decided to turn your natural lucky streak into the basis of a career, though you still realize that improving your skills is essential.

Background (Clan Crafter) Trait 1: I like to talk at length about my profession. Trait 2: I don’t part with my money easily and will haggle tirelessly to get the best deal possible. Ideal: Aspiration: I work hard to be the best there is at my craft. Bond: I created a great work for someone, and then found them unworthy to receive it. I’m still looking for someone worthy. Flaw: No one must ever learn that I once stole money from guild coffers. Class (Rogue) Guilty Pleasure: None Adversaries: The proprietor of an illegal pit fighting arena where you once took bets Benefactor: A druid once helped you out of a tight spot; now any random animal you see could be that benefactor, perhaps come to claim a return favor.

Family Your mother works as an artisan or guild member, while your father works as a laborer.

You had 2 siblings.

a younger brother who works as a farmer or herder. They are alive and well. You get on with each other. a younger brother who works as a priest. They are alive, but doing poorly due to injury, financial trouble, or relationship difficulties. You get on with each other. Upbringing You were born at home.

You were raised by your mother and father and had a comfortable lifestyle, living in a rundown shack.

Life Events (3) War ravaged your home community, reducing everything to rubble and ruin. in the aftermath, you either helped your town rebuild or moved somewhere else. You made an enemy of an adventuring Barbarian but it wasn't your fault. A current or prospective romantic partner of yours died. Cause of death: Apparent suicide. It was your fault. Trinket Currently in your possession you have a locket containing a picture of young halfling couple.