Pherene Quiram

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Revision as of 05:57, 18 July 2020 by Bartley (talk | contribs)
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Pherene Quiram

Character Stats
Level 6
Race Human
Class Battlemaster Fighter 4/Hexblade Warlock 2
Armor splint armor
Weapon(s) quarterstaff and shield
Hometown Sharpersville borough of Cebridon Odessa


scrawny but intense


Early Life

Grew up in comfort in an economically and politically well-off family who originally hailed from the Quiram Woods in the north of Odessa. The Quiram family was one of so-called "Lords of Avarice" named for both the Avarice Hill that divides the northern-most peninsula on the Mainland as well as their general business reputation. Pherene joined the military and trained as a Field Marshal despite being a relatively weak fighter. At some point joined a warlock cult as it was a fad among officers and saw immediate gains both in fighting skills and networking. Pherene was on the path towards a promising career until the army cracked down on cultists in the ranks. The cult's leader, a young and popular general named Kleine Tinryll, publicly admitted to many crimes, including magically controlling the minds of members of the cult and was executed, his top 2 captains were imprisoned but all lower ranking officers including Pherene were stripped of rank and immediately expelled without pay.

Current Life

Probably exiled/cast out from family due to reputation damage. Still keeps up some cult activity like feeding a small stone idol daily though tries to keep it secret. Probably does not have a deep or particularly well examined faith but does know the rituals work and provide power and that makes it worth doing.


  • probably more or less just a mercenary now

SPOILER Pherene's Character Sheet SPOILER