Team Alfa Fourth Session
The party has a brief chat with Pete and offers him some food and water but quickly decides to move away from the scene before collapsing for the night.
In the morning the party heads for Pete's cabin and discusses the situation.
During the walk, Gorra and Cinder hold up hand and point out the noise of a large group of people running through the brush after them. The party makes an attempt at hiding in preparation, but soon the orcs are upon them.
The orcs appear on a short cliff side and being hurling javelins at the party (but mostly Wolf who's hiding in a bush was more standing where a bush used to be).
Ranged blows are traded, but the orcs soon begin leaping down to engage in melee having spent their javelins.
A large group converges on Cinder and Tim, and one of the orcs decapitates Tim with a critical hit. In a collective rage the party takes down three of the orcs in short order. Wolf pulls out a greataxe and cleaves the tracker that got up in his face in half.
The last orc begs for mercy. After he is restrained he says the reason for capturing Pete is his clan wants to steal his recipes and get into the "juice" trade.
The party rests and buries Tim.
The rest of the day is spent travelling through Pete is clearly suffering from some alcohol withdrawal.
Eventually the group reaches Pete's cabin.
Experience & Loot
160xp - orcs
1 potion of healing