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(Created page with "Located on a small island near the Alexian fishing town of Saltmarsh are a pair of large and mysterious standing stones, engraved with sigils and symbols. Local legend has it that this was the site of an ancient sacrifice of a "Sirine", which according to folkore about The Seafolk were playful, fun-loving, aquatic fey creatures who loved to sing and dance. The island is largely avoided by the local populace. The island was visited by recent arrivals to Saltm...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:17, 24 April 2023

Located on a small island near the Alexian fishing town of Saltmarsh are a pair of large and mysterious standing stones, engraved with sigils and symbols. Local legend has it that this was the site of an ancient sacrifice of a "Sirine", which according to folkore about The Seafolk were playful, fun-loving, aquatic fey creatures who loved to sing and dance.

The island is largely avoided by the local populace.

The island was visited by recent arrivals to Saltmarsh by a group of travelers, Castaway,Elegravain,Khroe and Starling. When examining the stones Starling and Castaway were able to determine that the engravings on the stones were in fact, written in the Aquan language, and the symbols and sigils seem to indicate that indeed a sacrifice and binding ritual was performed here and that a spirit of the Sirine is bound within the stone.

The stones themselves produce a beautiful song that not can draw people under it's sway but is a boon to the fishing industry of Saltmarsh as it also draws large numbers of sea life to the area as well. When the Bard, Elegravain sang along an instant harmony emerged that caused the travelers to experience, awe, euphoria and a loss of time of several hours.

It is believed by the Half-Elf Castaway that this place is a way into the Feywild and either was opened by the original binding ritual or that it existed before the ritual and was the means by which the Sirine was captured and sacrificed.