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[Mattiverse Next - Session 1]

thunderclap winds pick up around you. blue sky gives way to grey. newborn clouds dance in rings around a clear blue circle of light. a beam of light: white. hot. painful. you avert your eyes and are blinded. heat washes over you. it is followed, shortly after, by a pulse of force, almost like a heartbeat, but you are already destroyed. grey clouds spin and darken, taking form as a many-pronged vortex. a dancer: skirt billowing. legs kicking, arms reaching. reaching and lighting fires. fires that join each vortex, becoming salamanders taking flight into starry night, seven long limbed acrobats, each quickly learning to dance. thunderclap You are drawn into the storm. Lightning arcs around you. The genesis of thunder shatters your bones. You become nothing but your screams which become the raging storm which becomes the tines of the forking cyclone. You dance with the salamanders and the djinn. The winds howl around you, and your world becomes a hundred foot circle of peace in the maelstrom, lit only by the filtered light of fire and lightning. thunderclap you are the heart of the storm. you are the rod that captures the lightning. you are the lance that rules the world.

[Mattiverse Next - Session 4]

  • The emaciated druids continue their dancing. They no longer look sublime, but tortured. They are thin now, and bony. Tears stream down their face. Once beautiful hair is stringy and matted, falling out in clumps. Around midnight, the druids begin to chant eerily in a language none of you understand/ Their chanting fills the camp. You wake up with a feeling of dread.he nonsense fills your ears and, though you still do not understand the language, you reckon the meaning.
  • The earth begins to tremble. The confused masses of dogmoot murmur and look around anxiously. Some begin to break and panic, hiding and running. Nightmare: A pillar of flame erupts near your location, and assumes the form of a coal black stallion, with a mane of fire.
  • You run.
  • You flee in a panic, every halfling for themselves.
  • Behind you are the sounds of slaughter and the laments of the damned.
  • You lose track of your brothers. The smell of soot and ash fills your nose and mouth.
  • You run until you collapse in exhaustion.
  • You seem to have run for miles.
  • You are alone. In the distance, you see the Cragbon light up the night's sky with its inferno.
  • You collapse into an exhausted pile of restless, dreamless sleep. This was no dream, though you wish it were.
  • When you awaken, still exhausted. Five dogs sit, each staring at you blankly.
  • A Mastiff. A Greyhound. A Sheepdog. A Hound. A Fox Terrier.
  • [Religion / Arcana Checks]
  • As you stand up and approach the dogs, they bolt! Each goes in a different direction!!
  • [Q]: "Who do you follow?"
  • You are separated from the others and run until you no longer can. Then, on the edge of collapse, you catch up with the dog you followed and end up asleep next to it.