File talk:New mainland political.jpg

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Revision as of 11:39, 23 March 2018 by Msallen (talk | contribs)
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I think flannary and fresia should be closer. Maybe hakan and fresia could be closer around those rivers they favor now. I definitely made things sparser. --Msallen (talk)

I agree. That middle area is probably the remains of the Bloody-Thirty-Nine which probably turned into warlord country borderlands.
Do you like where they're at now? Should they touch, or have a straight border? Also, I just ended up recoloring all the unnamed states red and leaving them at that for now. --Msallen (talk)
The nature of the thing means that someone will claim that area even if they don't have real control over it. Do you want these maps to represent "real" zones of control, or each state's aspirations of itself? -slitherrr (talk)
Yeah, we were talking about that during the mattiverse game wrt straight borders. I think from a player/gm perspective, the real borders are a lot more interesting and relevant. Its only sort of interesting that the fresian emperor claims he's "lord of the grenrushk" even though 70% of it (including cities) is inundated with servitors. I agree that if nations self-identified they'd have much larger zones of control and would probably overlap instead of gap. --Msallen (talk)