Holy Militants

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Revision as of 07:51, 2 July 2024 by Bartley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{stub}} Officially chartered organizations tasked to perform specific missions or goals for the Alexandrian Church and allowed to use Church resources including wealth and magic to complete those goals outside of the existing Regional Episcopacies. Most are managed under Manifest Episcopacies and allowed to maintain standing armed forces and training as well as move and operate across national borders. Prior to the ...")
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Officially chartered organizations tasked to perform specific missions or goals for the Alexandrian Church and allowed to use Church resources including wealth and magic to complete those goals outside of the existing Regional Episcopacies. Most are managed under Manifest Episcopacies and allowed to maintain standing armed forces and training as well as move and operate across national borders. Prior to the War of Schism nearly all paladins were members of some official Holy Militant order, but following the fracture of the Unified Church many new orders have emerged and the free travel of some orders in some areas has been curtailed.

Holy Militant Orders

  • Travelers - order dedicated to building of roads and protection of pilgrims.
  • unnamed order dedicated to guarding Church minting and ore transport.
  • unnamed Inquisition-types
  • unnamed White Hand Halfling Vengeance-types who hunt down Halfling enemies of the Church
  • unnamed quick moving diplomat peace-seeking order