Team Alfa Fiftieth Session

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28th Heavenfall 1516

  • met with hobgob marshall. "Good job!"
    • gobbos complaining about giants wrecking their shit to the north
  • ran into Eggrin Black
    • platinum kobolds have stopped making regular deliveries
  • summoned to a meeting with the Orc wizaaard, Gruul the Great
    • hey yeah good job, guess you guys are ok
    • thinks the old master is a bit of a fraud. "Ah, the old goat likes to pretend he doesn't meddle but he's the wrost of them all. Makes his refusal to take a stand on the council a little hollow to me, but I guess I get it."
    • let's look at scrolls then
    • he uses magical language relating to gnomish magical theory, not that of the universities of the west
  • try to get presented to council, but the kobold leader objects!
    • if we can find someone to challenge her objection, Marshall Hobgoblin will try again
    • "She's been even more distant and withdrawn since the Emissary started showing up."
    • "Kobolds haven't been going on their scavenge raids and paying their dues of late.
    • "They blame the giants, but kobolds have no fear of giants any more that rats fear an innkeeper.
    • "They have always been ornery members of our coalition, but they have openly called for us to submit to this power.
  • bereft of other options, the crew strikes out to find the giants. after three days of travel we track down some giants