Team Alfa Seventy-Sixth Session

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13th Sunforge


Thola reaches out to the Kobold queen to attempt to bring them into the fold

About an hour before noon, Lone and Scar begin to pace restlessly and hop around the camp. Ten minutes later, the remaining Worgs show up. The reunion is an enthusiastic one, as the beasts run around each other in circles and race towards and away from each other snapping playfully.

There are *20 worgs*. The Worgs story more or less corroborates what you have heard before. They proudly admit that they turned on Monstertown as soon as the mountain exploded. They seized on the confusion to scatter the guard and smash the cages. As soon as their freedom was secured, they tore through anything on two legs in a dash to the west. Given their superior speed, they were easily able to outpace the ashen destruction. Since then, they have hunted under the open skies as a pack, no burdens on their back.

They have come to reclaim Lone and Scar, so that the pack may return to the freedom of the hunt. Perhaps, the Worg chuckles grimly, the pack might meet the Monstertown host one the road one day soon.

Wolf engages in conversation with the Worgs, to try and convince them to remain The worgs are moderately amenable:

We long to taste the wind at our faces.. But, we also long to taste the blood of our captors. Were this assault to occur soon, we would be amenable to participation.


In the afternoon, a group of gobbos returns

"They say that a large contengent of Hobgoblins approach from the east."

(town is east, encampment is SW)

The crew dash forward, trying to overtake the new hobgoblins. We are easily able to do so with the aid of your mount companions. The thunderous sounds of the mounts gives ample warning -- when they appear in your vision, the gobbos have already circled up in a defensive posture.

They are about 400 yards from the fortified encampment as you bear down upon them.

There are *20 gobbos*, one is wearing half plate

14th Sunforge
