Talk:Phonic Wars

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discord dump to format later:

1st PW: Pon and Ubrekt go to war over the establishment of Phonic colony of Zatos on an important strait. At the time, as today, sailors preferred to skirt the rim of the Stormchalice than cross it. The Pon fought a successful conventional war around Zatos. As more and more Phonic forces concentrated around Zatos, Hadrian led a direct crossing to the city of Pon and sacks it, killing the ruler whose name has been erased but who is believed to have been the birth daughter of another of the Demi-Pantheon. Pon falls into chaos and Ubrekt takes control of the strait, founding the colony of Sadirium and the prohibition on the creation of a new Phonic fleet.

2nd PW: I believe the Pon start this one? They ally with the Wolfen-Khan. The Pon march on Sadirium while the Wolfen-Khan invade from the north and east. The Wolfen-Khan, however, are flummoxed by the insanely sophisticated Ubrekti defensive works and casualties mount on the Phonic/Halfling side. With their control of the Stormchalice, are able to weather the siege surprisingly well. The Ubrekti are even able to launch a surprise attack on New Zatos and raze it absolutely. This is where the Wolfen-Khan, hungry for some decisive victory, forges the lance and kills Hadrian the Ubrekt on the field of battle, at great cost. Ubrekt and Pon come to a largely status quo peace. The Pon are too exhausted to resettle New Zatos, while the Ubrekti come to terms with their newer, lesser leadership.

3rd PW: I forgot who started the 3rd PW, it's in the story notes, but I want to say the halflings sit it out because they are waging a war of expansion against servitors powered by the Great Lance. Pon is razed, and Hadrian II kills or enslaves virtually the entire Phonic people. Post-PW: Eventually the Halfling and Ubrekt come to blows under an adult Hadrian II who is deeply unpopular. The Wolfen-Khan give no quarter, and slaughter every Ubrekt speaker they find. This war probably extends both Hadrian II's time in office as well as his shittyness. He still gets assassinated and replaced with a council of influential people that will become the senate. As brutal and effective as the halfling are, druids are not willing to help and so they are still flummoxed by Ubrekti walls. The war rages on until the hierophants lead a coup against the Wolfen-Khan and break apart the lance. The Ubrekti pour out from their walls and make terrible slaughter. Very quickly the hierophants commit to absolute surrender and strike the Concord of the Highways, surrendering the entire of the halfling realms in exchange for promises of security and protection.

The halfling people call this surrender the "showing of the throat," although the connotation is not necessarily one of cowardice or otherwise negative.