Talk:Cinder Badgerdrop's Character Sheet

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Revision as of 01:07, 25 March 2018 by Bartley (talk | contribs) (→‎Level Plans)
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Level Plans

  • Purchase breastplate and barding (and new riding mastiff if not already Ranger 3) when affordable
  • Level 4: Ranger 3. Beast Master/Beast conclave, choosing an animal companion that can be ridden (probably panther or wolf, though the reach on giant poisonous snake would work with the lance better). Spell: Absorb Elements or Animal Friendship
  • Level 5: Ranger 4. Feat: Mounted Combatant or Shield Master.
  • Beyond: Pickup Fighter 2 for action surge otherwise probably all ranger. Pick other feat then ASIs for STR


  • Charge in with mount and lance. Fallback to using longsword and shield if unable to move or when unmounted. Shortbow available for shooting if needed. Use animal companion and/or shield master to knock prone enemies when needed.