Talk:Zupanist Alexandrianism: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 08:12, 23 January 2021

textvomit from discord regarding zupanism's relation to servitor religious beliefs:

Servitor faiths generally suggest the world has always been here, and they were the original inhabitants. The Eight Makers, in this case, are not actually creator gods but mere colonizers, who planeswalker from some other place with their followers as fugitive refugees. The interlopers clashed with the primordials, Dragons, and other beings from mythology times in a war of conquest. the Servitor Ur-Faith also associates Servitors with the Dark Fiend, but in a much different context.

The interlopers and their renegade gods used their powerful planar magics to seal off the material plane from the outer planes, either because they were hiding from even greater beings or either just as a dick move. Servitor warlocks and sorcerers did their best ritual work to try and pierce the veil, but succeeded only in inviting in a dark and diffuse evil. The necessities of war and all.

Zupanism accepts this origin story and builds its prophetic narrative from this foundation, re-contextualizing Alexandria (and her Prophet, Mikos) not as someone who was trying to wipe out all the Servitors, but rather someone who was trying to drive out the dark influence to set both sides of the ancient war on a path of reconciliation.