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#REDIRECT [[:Category:Bounty Hunters: The Missing Book]]
*[[Bounty Hunters - Session 1]]
*Some people with various connections are pulled together to track down a thief and his stolen goods ([[Whip]], [[Therunin]], [[Bern]], [[Elian]], [[Joana]]), at the [[Dragonfly Inn]]
*They are met by one [[Lyannia Othelio]], who outlines the contract. The primary lead is an alchemy student that has gone missing named [Eurasmus Draddrin]]. No other evidence ties the suspect to the crime.
**Party requests access to the scene of the burglary. [[Lyannia]] cannot agree immediately, must check in with Chancellors. Party is encouraged to gather information in the meantime. 
*The first night is some preliminary investigation:
**An alchemy student's whereabouts are unknown, so he seems a likely lead. Joana and Whip track down his living place.
**The rest investigate the exterior scene of the crime.
***The University Library is fully locked from within, with no windows on the first story and all windows on the second story bolted from within.
*[[Lyannia Othelio]] - Member of one of the leading houses who is very interested in getting this book back
*[[Whip]], [[Therunin]], [[Bern]], [[Elian]], [[Joana]] - People who are either bounty hunters on the regular, or have some other connection to this job and wanted to make some quick cash. Therunin, in particular, has a tight connection with the Circus Librorum
*[[Eurasmus Draddrin]] - Prime Suspect #1, but only because he is missing. He would have no access and thus needed help.
**Has two main professors, [[Graggar the Grey]] and [[Eadrin Syrill]]
**Beyond his presence at the gaming tables of the [[Cock'n Bottle]], little is known of his friends, relations, and personal life.
*[[Bacon]] - Inkeeper of the Dragonfly Inn
*[[Bolero, A Bardic College student in 3D]] - helped us find Eurasmus' room and told us of The Girl. Last saw Eurasmus "maybe a week" ago.
*[[The Girl]], probably human, Eurasmus' paramour, probably Eurice. Brown hair. Short. "Recognized her from the library," probably a student. "Young, pretty enough." Probably not Bardic college. 5'3.
*[[Dragonfly Inn]] - Meeting place of the bounty hunters
*[[Cock 'n' Bottle]] - Student slum hangout
*[[Eurasmus' Hovel]], 3rd floor room. Missing shoes, alchemical kit, money, valuables. His mother is religious and his copy of the Canon of Orthodoxy reads "Eurasmus - Don't spend so much time studying that you forget the only book that matters! --Mom"
*Some missing books
**Titles and Details currently unknown.
*Eurasmus' belongings
**A book of fables
**A Canon of Orthodoxy.
**Erotic letters from Ulrice
**His notes and journals
[[Category:Bounty Hunters]]
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